Friday, April 24, 2009

Romping with Auntie Olive!

Now that the puppies had their first shots, I allow them in the grass area to play and romp to their hearts content! They stay out there most of the day except to peek in to see if they can come into the kitchen; get something to eat or drink; and sometimes take a nap under the fan in the puppy room. They just love being outdoors!

They have been busy pruning my shrub, digging lots of holes, pulling limbs out of brush piles, eating the daylilly leaves and generally having one heck of a time!

Here they are waiting for their friend to come out and play.

How they love playing with Auntie Olive!

Isn't that playbow adorable?

Then they pounce and try to surround her.

Olive gives them the dickens as they chase her. :+)

'Okay, we are pooped.'

'We are too. Oi...'



  1. Oh, they look like they grown a lot since last week.

    The Seebecks

  2. They're all SO cute!!!:) Is that Lulu Belle in the last picture, and next to one of the red boys? Oh, I just can't wait to bring Lulu home!
    PS: Lulu Belle's mom would like it if Noah would e-mail her.

  3. Jasper is SO fluffy!!!

  4. Noah, for your information, my e-mail address is at
