Monday, January 11, 2010

Surgeries are done!


Lucia, Skidder, Lexi, Tug, and Benzi had their surgeries, bloodwork and microchips today. They all did great! They left this morning at 8:00 am and I picked them back up at 5:30 pm. Boy, are these pups terrific car riders! Not a peep and no upset tummies - even after anesthesia! WOW!

Once settled I fed each one individually to make sure they got their pain med down and didn't eat someone else's!! I will give them another small meal later tonight as I know they are still hungray. They were without food for nearly 20 hours as their last meal was last night at 9:30 pm. I did that on purpose because I knew surgery would not start before 10 am. and they could not have breakfast. :+(

Right now, they want OUT of their confined space. Confinement is necessary to prevent too much wrestling too soon after surgery. These pups want to play!

I will get pics tomorrow!

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