Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We have moved! (Olive x Cori)

Olive's pups are now three weeks old and they can see, hear, wobble, drink water and eat gruel. Of course, this now means lots more noise and definitely piles of messes that I now take care of not Olive. It comes with the territory. :+)

They are liking their new surroundings and certainly interested in the small world they now live in. From this time forward, each week will bring them new sites, sounds, textures, food intros and experiences. This is also the time that I must be very careful that they not get traumatized but also not live in a bubble. It can be a fine line. :+)


Here they all are on moving day. They know my voice and have been having a wonderful time climbing out of their pool in the office - even after wrapping it in a baby bumper. They are ready to do some exploring and were letting me know.

Once moved, the new experience was 'dorm eating'. I believe I would call this a 'food fight'!! They wobbled out of their crate onto the 'dining room' and dove in. Oatmeal gruel blended with Goat's Milk and Gerber's baby food meat was everywhere including them. Oi!

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  1. That bottom photo looks my house at dinner time lol! Our pup will be right at home with our girls :-)

  2. Oh golly! I hope it is not THAT bad! The gruel makes such a mess - tracks like glue everywhere. I can hardly wait until they are finally on raw meat and veggies. Another week most likely. :+)

    Heck your pup will be a very willing 'bus-boy' and clean up the floor, table, plates.......
