Saturday, June 15, 2019


Other than eating and sleeping the pups don't do much.  A couple of them are just beginning to open their eyes but most are still closed.  They are all gaining weight beautifully and truly look like little piglets!  :+)

Clary continues to be a good mother but is also getting some family time with her guardians now that she can leave the pups for a couple of hours.  It is wonderful when your guardian is less than ten minutes away and can dote on their girl for a bit!  It also gives Clary a nice break from her duties.

Lilac Girl is the smallest but not by much!  1 lb. 14 ounces.  She is not interested in looking at the world yet.
Lilac will have a curly coat that is non shedding but will require scheduled grooming appointments. 
Mr. Blue Boy also wants to keep his eyes shut for a while longer!  2 lb
Blue will have a curly coat that is non shedding but will require scheduled grooming appointments.
Green Boy has opened his peepers but vision is still a bit fuzzy.   He weighs 2 lbs. as well.
Green will have a curly coat that is non shedding but will require scheduled grooming appointments.
Pink Girl is willing to check out the world!  2 lbs.
Pink will have a curly coat that is non shedding but will require scheduled grooming appointments. 
I think Red Girl is enjoying the fresh air!  2 lbs.
She may have a slightly shedding coat.  This will be a very easy coat to maintain and will be great
for hikers or active people that prefer an easy to care for coated doodle.


  1. Simply adorable with once again a lovely diverse litter. Delicious!

  2. They get cuter by the day. Love watching them grow!
