Monday, March 26, 2018

I see spots.....

This new switch is making me dizzy but the pups seem to be doing fine.

My Froggie is in a separate area for now and today brought two soft 'houses' for them to check out and new 'designer' carpet for their feet. Ha, ha!

While I was changing the turf lined litter box for pellets and a rack, the pups played in the pup room with Mr. Froggie.  They get more brave every day!  Their little feet need to get use to different textures hence the pellets and rack.  The rack is inserted upside down so it is even with the pellets until they grow just a bit more.  Plus this gives them time to get accustomed to walking on the rack - lumpy bumpy footing is important to developing balance.  In a few more days, I will be able to reverse it so that most of their poops will go through the slats and they stay cleaner.  Once that happens, Gunny is no longer in charge of poop clean up, I am!  How lucky am I???

Two of the pups are trying to get through the door - just like kids!

Checking out the new digs and the litter box.

Some are just more curious than others.

The 'houses' are made of cloth and fold down easily. Seems a couple of them
prefer sleeping outside of them than in them! Crazy pups!


  1. Wow !!! So cute!!! I can not believe how much they have changed.��

    1. At this stage (four weeks), the growth is so rapid, you can watch them grow! Now, when I go near the pen, they scramble to see me with little tails wagging. :+)
