Sunday, April 27, 2014

Investigating Goat's Milk.

As I mentioned, this is the week I begin to introduce 'food' to the pups. I begin by just putting down a 'small saucer dog dish' with a bit of Goat's Milk in it for them to smell. I dip my finger in the milk and touch it to their noses.  They always back up licking and wondering what 'fell on their nose'.  :+) Eventually, they get more and more curious and move towards the bowl.

They are not drinking it up readily yet, but every day it gets better as they learn to negotiate the bowl sides. By the end of the week, they will be lapping the mixture up.

'Hey, what is this stuff?'

'Ummm..... not bad.'

'I like this better!'


  1. It's just possible that Orange Boy is telling Purple Girl, "don't bother, you won't like it." That way, there'll be more for him!

  2. Joyce
    Fun to watch the pups investigation of new foods...little foodies?
    Definitely knowing what they like...thanks for sharing the pics.

  3. They are still mostly curious but each day they get better. We went to the local post office today for their three week car ride. :-)
